Treadmill incline workout for glutes

You may think that running is the best cardio workout there is for weight loss. And while you may not be wrong, in some cases, don’t rule out the power of incline walking.

Incline treadmill workouts can help you achieve stronger and firmer glutes.

woman walking on an incline treadmill

You use your glutes daily when you walk, run, or even stand up. So, it’s essential to keep them strong and healthy. And guess what? Adding an incline treadmill workout can help you do just that. It’s like giving your glute muscles a little extra challenge to help them grow stronger. 

Understanding glute activation

Your glutes are essential for everyday movements. When you walk, run, and stand up straight, your glutes are hard at work, helping you move smoothly and stay balanced. Think of them like the engines powering your lower body muscles.

Why activating glutes is important

Now, let’s talk about why it’s crucial to activate (that means “wake up” or “get working”) your glutes during workouts. You get better booty gains when you make sure your glutes are doing their job during exercises, like using the treadmill. That means stronger muscles and better-looking booty. 

Importance of activating glutes during workouts

It’s super important to get your glute muscles working during workouts. When you activate them during exercises like using the treadmill, you’ll see incredible changes in your glute muscles – gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and glutes minimus – and a perkier booty.

Treadmill incline workouts and glute targeting

Now, let’s talk about how using the treadmill on an incline (that’s like a little hill) can specifically target your glutes. When you walk or run uphill on the treadmill, it gives your glutes an extra challenge. It’s like climbing a hill—your glutes must work extra hard to push you up! So, doing these treadmill incline workouts gives your glutes a workout that helps them get even stronger. 

The benefits of incline walking

Walking on any incline counts as an incline workout. The low-impact workout, even just at an incline of one percent, you’re doing an incline walk. However, the higher the incline, the more difficult your workout becomes, giving you more opportunities to build strength.

Treadmill incline workout for glutes

The higher up you go, the more you’re going to activate your posterior chain.

It builds strength 

Walking on an incline works more muscle groups than strolling on a flat surface. Incline treadmill walking activates and strengthens the muscle groups in your lower body—including your legs, calves, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. It also engages your core and increases your core strength. 

It increases your cardiovascular endurance 

Walking on an incline requires your heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. This strengthens the heart muscle and improves overall cardiovascular fitness without the strain you might receive from running or other forms of cardio.

It’s easier on your joints 

If you’re a runner, you know that you often feel those miles on your joints. Incline walking is easier on your joints. It reduces the impact on your knees, hips, and ankles—potentially making it a safer option if you have joint pain or arthritis.

It may feel more accessible

Walking is a great way to start or increase cardio in your workout routine. Incline walking may also seem less threatening than strength training or trying other cardio equipment, including the stairmill. 

Treadmill walking workouts

Walking on a treadmill can be a fun way to exercise! Here are some workouts you can try:

  • Walking lunges: Lunges are great for making your glutes stronger. When you do lunges on the treadmill, you give your glutes an extra workout. Plus, it helps improve your balance and coordination!
  • Power walking: Power walking is like walking but a bit faster. When you power walk on the treadmill, make sure to keep your back straight and swing your arms. This helps your glutes work hard and get stronger. It’s a fun way to get your heart rate up and pumping.
  • Side steps: Have you ever tried walking sideways? Side steps, also known as side squats or side lunges, on the treadmill, are a fun way to work your glutes laterally. Just step onto the sides of the treadmill and keep walking sideways. We typically move in a forward direction. The lateral movement plays an important role in muscular strength.

Setting up your treadmill for glute work

Let’s get your treadmill ready to work on your glutes:

Proper treadmill incline settings

You’ll want to adjust the incline on your treadmill to target your glutes effectively. 

Start by setting the incline to a moderate level—not too steep, but not too flat. A good starting point is around 5-7 percent incline. This helps activate your glutes more than walking on a flat surface.

By setting the incline just right, you’ll ensure your glutes get a good workout while walking or running on the treadmill.

Is a steep incline needed?

You do not need a steep incline where you are holding onto the side railings for dear life. The incline level should be set to allow you to maintain proper form, including swinging your arms while increasing your heart rate.

Which type of workout for the best results

​You can keep a steady pace on an incline to achieve good results. You can also add walking lunges or side steps for various movements throughout the workout.

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