Building and growing
It’s time to build and grow. I’m 95 percent sure that I am not stepping on stage again this year, which means building and growing.
I want to be an athlete that steps on stage when I am ready versus just stepping on stage because I have the opportunity. And to do that means giving my body the time to grow in the way that it needs to.
Sore today and tomorrow
My body is sore. I spend three days a week at my home gym, 803 Fitness. Two of those three days is all about everything from the waist down.
I know it is important and needed as we continue to build and shape my glutes, quads and hamstrings. These muscles are important to my aesthetics as a bikini bodybuilding athlete. This week it was Tuesday and Thursday: leg press, lying leg extensions, squats, glute kick backs on the smith machine, cable side squats, lunges, pull throughs and more. I’m loving how my legs continue to evolve. It’s the soreness that I am not fond of.
My abdominals are something that I continue to work on with my coach and on my own. I am really self conscious about my glutes and abs. I obsess over my abs more than my glutes. In part because I can see them ever day. One of my goals is to have a tighter core come the 2018 season. My diet is key but I will work them too.
I bought an ab wheel that I use in my apartment and I take to the apartment complex gym to use after fasted cardio. And sometimes I keep it real simple by using a simple medicine ball. There are so many different ways to hit my core.
Build and grow
I am amazed at what we have built in the past year. Actually, it’s been two years in this process. We are working cause 2018 is going to be epic. It’s sort of like that quote from Field of Dreams, “If you build it, they will come.” Well, it’s not about anyone or anything coming. It will be about being able to be more confident and showing it on and off the stage.
This building and improvement season will be different than last year now that I know what my body is capable of. I’m excited even though I know I will be sore all along the way.